Tuesday, July 5, 2011

185/365 Cocks of hay

4th July

My family made cocks of hay. No baler and only a small field so it was the best way for them.

184/365 More cycling

3rd July

Taking advantage of the good weather.........

183/365 Del boys van

2nd July

Picture taken in Ardcath on a cycle there.

Friday, July 1, 2011

182/365 Free range eggs

1st July

My mother bought some free range eggs in a local farm shop. I have never seen so much chicken poo on an egg before from eggs sold in a shop.

181/365 Peek-a-boo

30th June

Here is my husband. One of the few pics he will let me put up of him!

180/365 More cows

29th June

I have got to stop taking pics of cows but here are some from the field beside me. Some are camera shy and tried to run away!

179/365 First carrots

28th June

I was convinced my carrots would be ready but it wasn't to be. Gave us a good laugh though!

178/365 Stuck in traffic

27th June

On way home traffic was diverted down a country road because of a fatal car crash. I was disturbed to find out later that the poor girl had been in the ditch dead for a number of hours without anyone realising she was missing. May she RIP.

177/365 Breakfast

26th June

The hodson bay is lovely for families but is a very busy hotel. We had heard there are queues for breakfast so wisely had breakfast in our rooms.

176/365 Away with the in-laws to Athlone

25th June

As a surprise for my father-in-law we all stayed in Hodson bay, Athlone. This is a view of the River Shannon.

175/365 College days and study days

24th June

I attended a study day which was very interesting. I then drove at a snails pace home from Galway as the rain was heavy non-stop for my journey. Very annoying when the roads are so good and you just want to get home to wine and my husband (poor husband but that night the red wine was my no.1!).

174/365 Pink food

23rd June

I went to Nimo's restaurant in Spanish Arch, Galway city for a committee meeting for an advisory group I am on prior to the study day we were running the next day. I was so glad when someone else took a picture of the food so I could take one too (I didn't know the people that well). The food was fab and the strong pink colour was a beetroot sauce.