Tuesday, March 29, 2011

88/365 Spring - Lambs

I took this pic over a week ago but it suits the theme this week and the grey weather wasn't very inspiring!

Monday, March 28, 2011

87/365 Spring Daffodils

You know it's Spring when the daffodils appear!

86/365 Spring Forward - Clocks change

I hate losing an hour in bed but love longer evenings.

85/365 Sunny day by the beach

We went for a drive to Laytown and while it was sunny it was not warm!

84/365 Boozy pic

I decided to take a pic of my wine on Friday night- bad idea to take the pic after I drank it. The result a blurry pic!

83/365 Random

A field near home. Not a great picture but all I got today. 

82/365 Random

With the great weather I was able to go for a walk in the countryside around me.

81/365 Random

Loving wearing sunglasses!

Monday, March 21, 2011

80/365 Cute lambs

I took this picture the day I took the Newgrange one but have nothing interesting to photograph today. The little lambs were so cute but this was the closest I got.

79/365 Afternoon tea

My friend asked instead of a night out could we go to The Westbury for afternoon tea. I have always wanted to go so jumped at the chance. It was such a lovely way to spend the afternoon and it was delicious. A great treat!

78/365 Night out

I was sober as my last hangover was still fresh in my mind. I took a picture of someone elses drink instead. It was a great night.

77/365 Newgrange

Newgrange is a 10-15min drive from me. I have been inside it once and would really recommend visiting it. 

76/365 St Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day I spent hungover so only got this pic of orange, white and green.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

75/365 Z is for Zebra Crossing

This is the crossing at work. Not very exciting but only pic for Z I could find!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

74/365 Y is for Yesterday

I got stuck on Y and decided to photograph yesterdays date in my diary but then had to cover up the entries for confidentiality reasons.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

72/365 W is for White Robes

It was my little cousins christening today and here I am holding the little man. He is adorable and so snuggly.

71/365 V is for View

If I get planning permission I will have this view:

I'm still waiting on word!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

70/365 U is for Unbelievable Venue

I love the O2 as a venue. I have been to three concerts and the acoustics IMO are brilliant. I saw The Script last night whom I underestimated. They were really really good.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

69/365 T is for Taoiseach

Don't worry it isn't a pic of Enda Kenny but instead his new department.

68/365 S is for Spire

IMO it is a silly thing as you can't go up it. Very disappointing.

67/365 R is for RTE

I was walking in Dublin and saw their van and thought there is my R picture!

Monday, March 7, 2011

66/365 Q is for Quotations

My sister and I used to use this book for school and college essays. It helped at times. My favourites were the ones from Oscar Wilde.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

65/365 P is for Poker Set

As most of my friends are either unemployed or knee deep in mortgage repayments we have had a lot of nights in recently with this poker set. It is a very cheap night even for me who loses!

64/365 O is for Organised

I love organisers and was delighted to see this craft organiser in Aldi. A bargain IMO for €6.99!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

63/365 N is for Naked Chef

I have 3 of his books and have only cooked 3 recipes. I find some of the ingredients difficult to get and some techniques complicated.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

62/365 Malteasers, Minstrels and M&Ms

I went to buy a packet of Malteasers for this picture and discovered all my fav choc begins with M. I bought them all then for the picture. I have to suffer for my art now and eat them!

61/365 L is for L'Ancome or Lacura

There is a 50euro difference in the price of these two moisturisers. I am only trying Lacura this week and it is ok. Not as nice as L'Ancome but I'm going to continue with it as I can't afford L'Ancome now.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

60/365 K is for Kelloggs

You can't beat Special K in the morning if you ask me! When I started WeightWatchers I would eat a bowl in morning and lunch. I'm healthier now!

59/365 J is for Jam

I love jam! I have to have reduced sugar as I eat far too much of the stuff.

58/365 I is for Icecream

I love icecream and recently discovered these. Only 99 calories (although I never checked the fat content).

57/365 H is for Holding Hands

I scrapped this photo as it's one of my favs!