Sunday, January 16, 2011

16/365 Favourite Things # 3

Favourite Thing #3 Shoes

I have always loved shoes. This is only a small sample of the shoes I own! My favourites are the red patent T-bars which I wore for my wedding. I also love the irregular choice purple shoes and the black Schuh shoes. No matter what size I have been my shoes have always fitted and thus my love affair has grown stronger!


  1. Love this picture Strawbs. My eyes went straight to the red t-bars! X

  2. Oh fabulous! I have those purple ones too, love them!

  3. Loads of lovely pointers there! Great collection!

  4. Went straight to the red t bars as well. You can never have too many pairs of red or purple shoes!

  5. I should have known a photo of shoes would get the most amount of comments! Gillian I have 2 more pairs of red and at least 1 more of purple!
